Premium Organic Matcha Tea


Row & Ma PARIS

Boost your morning energy in just a few minutes! Depending on your taste and preference, there are several ways to kickstart the day with a Matcha Boost.

1) Preparation of Matcha with water:

Place a teaspoon of Matcha powder in a bowl and add 100ml of water at 60-70 ° degrees. To preserve the benefits of Matcha, do not use boiling water, but let it cool for about 10 minutes.

Mix well or beat with a whisk to avoid lumps. A small electric whisk can be very useful in stead of the "Chasen" (traditional bamboo whisk). It is very important to close the box of Matcha well and place it in the refrigerator after each use.

2) Preparation with Matcha Latte-Matcha Chino:

The easiest and fastest way is to place a teaspoon of Matcha into a 100 ml of dairy or plant- based milk in a milk frother. For a light version, dilute the milk (50ml of water and 50ml of milk).

Alternatively you can prepare your Matcha with water, in the traditional way. Then froth your milk separately and pour it into the Matcha, always being careful not to use boiling liquid.

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Row & Ma PARIS

Boost your morning energy in just a few minutes! Depending on your taste and preference, there are several ways to kickstart the day with a Matcha Boost.

1) Preparation of Matcha with water:

Place a teaspoon of Matcha powder in a bowl and add 100ml of water at 60-70 ° degrees. To preserve the benefits of Matcha, do not use boiling water, but let it cool for about 10 minutes.

Mix well or beat with a whisk to avoid lumps. A small electric whisk can be very useful in stead of the "Chasen" (traditional bamboo whisk). It is very important to close the box of Matcha well and place it in the refrigerator after each use.

2) Preparation with Matcha Latte-Matcha Chino:

The easiest and fastest way is to place a teaspoon of Matcha into a 100 ml of dairy or plant- based milk in a milk frother. For a light version, dilute the milk (50ml of water and 50ml of milk).

Alternatively you can prepare your Matcha with water, in the traditional way. Then froth your milk separately and pour it into the Matcha, always being careful not to use boiling liquid.


The six main benefits of Matcha tea

Antioxidant, the "Matcha Cleanser"

In addition to catechins, green tea contains two other antioxidants that have outstanding health benefits: thearubigins and theaflavins. Their antioxidant effect is substantially higher in Matcha compared to normal green tea.

Weight loss

Matcha seems to play a very important role in stimulating metabolism. Numerous studies have shown that its' EGCG interacts positively with the hormones involved in fat mobilisation. In addition, Matcha is a nourishing drink, with very few calories. The combination of EGCG and L-theanine postively act on appetite regulation, acting as a natural appetite suppressant.

Energy boost and Cholesterol reduction

Matcha is a great energy booster. In fact, many athletes drink Matcha tea before and during their training sessions. Studies have also shown that Matcha can help reduce cholesterol and blood pressure.

Matcha versus coffee; better than coffee!

The concentration of caffeine in Matcha is significantly lower than in a cup of espresso, but it is above all its absorption and expression that are very different. In coffee, caffeine is found in its "free" form with almost immediate action, but the effect lasts for only 2 to 3 hours in average.

The caffeine contained in green tea and particularly in Matcha, is linked to L-theanine and submitted to the presence of tannins. Its metabolisation is very different, as its effect settles in more slowly but lasts much longer (6 to 8 hours in average). This fact makes Matcha an ideal morning drink.

Inner and outer beauty

Matcha is rich in fibers, magnesium and especially chlorophyll. The combination of chlorophyll and antioxidants make Matcha particularly beneficial for the skin. It stimulates digestion and metabolism simultaneously, helping to drain the liver with a detoxifying effect beneficial for the whole body.

Increases concentration and resistance to stress

Thanks to the high levels of L-theanine, Matcha provides positive brain stimulation, increasing concentration and stress resistance. The effects of better relaxation combined with positive brain stimulation facilitate concentration and increase energy levels.

Which Matcha should we choose?

The best quality Matcha comes from Japan. To fully benefit from its virtues, you must choose a Japanese Matcha. Although there is no PDO type designation for Matcha tea, nor any official classification, its production is deeply rooted to the Japanese culture. There are many exquisite organic green teas produced in China, the birthplace of “Camellia sinensis”, but the cultivation of Matcha and its preparation is not mastered by any other nation as brilliantly as by the Japanese. 

Ceremonial Matcha is made from the finest first flush leaves. The lower grades are made of thicker leaves and are harvested later. This directly impacts the matcha taste, which will result more astringent and bitter.

Good quality Matcha is bright green. A yellow or khaki colored Matcha is either too old or made with very poor-quality leaves.

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