The hidden forces that lie within you: your chakras
A conversation between Hella Lund (multi style yoga teacher) and Sveva Clavarino
What is a chakra?
The Sanskrit word chakra translates to a wheel or disk, referring to wheels of energy throughout the body. There are 7 main chakras which align the spine starting from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. When visualising a chakra in the body, imagine a swirling wheel of energy where matter and consciousness meet. This is what we call Prana, life force, in yoga. It keeps us alive, vibrant, energetic.
All the chakras are connected to bundles of nerves and major organs as well as psychological, spiritual and emotional states of being. It is important for the chakras to stay open for optimum health and energy flow. If there is a blockage, energy flow is restricted.
What are the seven chakras and what is the focus of each one of them?
The first three chakras are of matter, they are more physical in nature. They are:
1. Muladhara/ root chakra
the root chakra, the base of everything
it represents stability, security, basic needs
it consists of the three first vertebras, base of the spine and pelvic floor
when open, we feel safe, supported and fearless
when blocked, we can feel anxiety, fears or nightmares and can experience arthritis, constipation and colon problems
the mantra sound is LAM
the colour is red
2. SVADIHSTANA/ sacral chakra
our creative and sexual centre
located above the pelvic bone and below the navel
if balanced we feel well, abundance, joy, creative and productive
if blocked, we may feel depressed, we increase harmful addictions, we can develop sexual dysfunctions and emotional instability
the mantra sound is VAM
the colour is orange
3. MANIPURA/ solar plexus chakra
located from the navel to the breast bone
controls our metabolism and digestion
when balanced we feel a sense of personal power, self-esteem, power of change and transformation
if blocked, we may have anger or control issues, low self-esteem and fear
the mantra sound is RAM
the colour is yellow
When we work through our physical chakras (the first three) we can open the spiritual chakras more fully:
4. ANAHATA/ heart chakra
the bridge between our body, mind, emotions and spirit
our source of love and connection
located at the center of the chest including: the heart, lungs, cardiac plexus, thymus glands and lymphatic system
when open we feel flowing with love, high empathy and full acceptance of what is happening around us
if blocked, we may experience grief, anger, jealousy and hatred
the mantra sound is YUM
the colour is green
5. Vishudda/ throat chakra
the area of the throat: the neck, thyroid, parathyroid glands, jaw, mouth and tongue
represents verbal and authentic expression, speaking up and speaking our truth
if balanced we feel clear and unafraid in expressing ourselves fully
if blocked, we may experience fear of not being accepted or judged
mantra sound is HUM
the colour is blue
6. Ajna/ third eye chakra
the third eye between the eyebrows
centre for intuition and inner knowledge
pituitary glands, eyes, head, lower part of the brain
if open we feel that we can experience lucid dreaming, clairvoyance, visualisation and imagination
if blocked we may feel very ego-driven, thinking in a rigid, over intellectualised way
the mantra sound is SHAM
the colour is indigo
7. Sahaswara/ crown chakra
the thousand petal lotus chakra
it is located at the crown of the head
it represents enlightenment and a spiritual connection with our higher selves and others
if balanced we feel a constant state of pure awareness, unconditional love, complete acceptance
if blocked, we may experience feeling disconnected from everyone and everything, isolation, emotional stress
the mantra sound is OM
the colour is violet
How are the seven chakras associated and related to our human body and why are they so important?
Balancing our chakras means reaching a place of balance between our spirit, body and health.
The 7 chakra system was first found in a Sanskrit text written by Purhananda Yati in India in 1577, and it was translated to English in 1918. Through these old texts we are led through a specific yogic practice, and we learn how to visualise a subtle object made of coloured light, shaped like a lotus or a spinning wheel, at a specific point in the body and the active mantra syllables for it, for a specific purpose. The texts tell us what we ought to do to achieve a specific goal by mystical means. This is a soft, meditative approach.
Balancing our chakras means reaching a place of balance between our spirit, body and health. Chakras ensure that there is calm and positive energy flow through our bodies. If chakras are not balanced they can negatively impact our spiritual, mental and physical health and well-being. Chakra blockages lead to physical maladies and pain in the body. It is important to bear in mind that when we are focusing and working on one specific chakra we are simultaneously affecting the entire body system balance. We can therefore, control and regulate the functions of our chakras through meditation, relaxation techniques, breathing and physical exercises and healthy eating regimes.