How Can Stress Affect Our Skin?

There are times when our life seems to be too hectic: we are full of commitments, thoughts, anxieties, we make poor eating choices, and we do not get enough sleep. All of this stress and emotional tensions, not only have direct repercussions on our body and on our mood, but they also have a negative impact on our skin.

In fact, stress can cause an excessive production of adrenaline, which leads to an increase in cortisol levels (also known as the "stress hormone"). Cortisol lowers the immune defences of our body, making us more prone to different kinds of inflammation that can alter our skin and hair. An example of this happening, is the sudden rise of acne that is given by the increase of adrenaline and cortisol levels in our body, which directly influence and increase the skin's sebum production. For this reason, when we are stressed, we tend to have a more impure skin.

When our body is stressed, it tries to safeguard itself and does so, by allocating more blood circulation to the vital organs (such as: the heart, the brain, the lungs and the kidneys) making sure that they can withstand the stress. This blood flow rationing, affects and neglects other parts of the body - such as the skin. As a reaction, the low amount of circulation, leads us to having a dull skin, making us look tired and unhealthy, with marked and darker circles.Stress can also cause wrinkles and signs of ageing. When feeling stressed, the muscles, even the facial ones, are always in tension. This constant tension movement over time, causes the development of fine lines on our face which, consequently, produces wrinkles.


Unfortunately, stress is not a choice that we can always choose to avoid. However, there are some small remedies that can be implemented in our daily routine that can definitely help us to calm our body’s reaction to high stress levels.

A good skincare routine, which is rich of natural products that have the right active ingredients, can make a significant difference to our complexion. Ingredients such as: hyaluronic acid, retinol and Vitamin C increase the production of collagen, which help to fight wrinkles and free radicals, while simulatenously brightening and hydrating the skin.

For a dull skin, resveratrol, is one of the most powerful antioxidants that must be included in our morning skincare routine. Resveratol stimulates the skin microcirculation, making the skin more luminous and elastic. For an impure skin, a purifying treatment that thoroughly cleanses the complexion and rebalances the production of sebum, is fundamental to keep our skin glowing and youthful.

Activities such as: yoga and meditation are recommended to help to calm your mind and body when times may get rough. These practices relieve tension and loosen the muscles, giving to our mind and body moments of pure relaxation. As a result, these techniques will promote improved and deeper sleep, giving the skin a better chance to heal and glow again.

So, the next time that you feel stressed, try to slow down and focus on yourself. By learning to control your body's response to stress and by using the right products for your skin, your overall health will improve and your skin will look just as fresh, healthy and relaxed as your mood will be!

By Milanesi Skincare, Italian clean beauty brand and The Wellness Reporter Partner


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