Top 10 Best Self-Help Books To Read During This Holiday Break
For several decades, the expression “self-help” has referred to a widespread of cultural and market movements based on books, videos and conferences aimed at those who want to solve their problems and "realise themselves" in the field of health, emotional well-being, work, family, love and life in general. Undoubtedly Self-help manuals are constantly amongst the best sellers shelves, as studies demonstrate that reading this kind of books help treating specific mood disorders and help to overcome mild depression or anxiety.
Some books really offer valuable content that help people to open their eyes wide open and improve their overall quality of life. Here is a list of our favorite picks:
#1 You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life - By Jen Sincero
“If you wanna stay stuck in the same place and keep getting spanked with the same lessons over and over, be negative, resentful, and victimized. If you want to get over your issues and rock your life, be grateful, look for the good and learn.” - Jen Sincero
This is THE self-help book for people who desperately want to improve their lives. In this how-to guide, the author serves up to 27 chapters full of hilariously inspiring stories, helping you to: identify and change the self-sabotaging beliefs and behaviours that stop you from getting what you want and create a life that you totally love. And create it NOW.
By the end of You Are a Badass, you will understand why you are how you are, how to love what you cannot change, how to change what you do not love, and how to use your inner force to show everyone that you are a real badass!
#2 The Little Book of Hygge: The Danish Way to Live Well - By Meik Wiking
“If I cannot ask people directly how happy they are, I ask them how satisfied they are with their social relationships, because that gives me the answer.” - Meik Wiking
Denmark has an international reputation of being one of the happiest nations in the world, and Hygge is widely recognised to be the magic ingredient to reach this level of happiness. Hygge has been described as everything from "cosines of the soul" to "the pursuit of everyday pleasures". The Little Book of Hygge is a little treasure that we all need, as it will bring warmth and comfort into your life. Hygge is about creating an atmosphere where we can let our guard down.
#3 Make your bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life... and Maybe the World- By H. Mcraven William
“If you make your bed every morning, you will have accomplished the first task of the day. It will give you a small sense of pride, and it will encourage you to do another task and another and another. And by the end of the day, that one task completed, will have turned into many tasks completed.” - William McRaven
Making your bed everyday, is a reflection of your discipline, your pride and your personal habits. Waking up every morning and completing the first task of the day, will give you motivation to do more; to accomplish more. The bed also represents you. If you want to change the world, or improve your quality of life, start by making your bed every morning as soon as you get up. This book will inspire readers to achieve more by implementing small switches to their daily life with thoughtful determination, hard work and positivity.
#4 The miracle morning. The 6 habits that will transform your life before 8 am- BY HAL ELROD
“Remember, the moment you accept total responsibility for everything in your life is the moment you claim the power to change anything in your life.” - Hal Elrod
The Miracle Morning has transformed the lives of tens of thousands of people around the world by teaching them how to wake up everyday with more energy, motivation, and focus, making them change their lives for better. Are you ready? The next chapter of YOUR life, the most extraordinary life you could have ever imagined, is about to begin. It is now more than ever, time for you to WAKE UP and reach your full potential.
#5 The Circadian Code: Lose Weight, Supercharge Your Energy, and Sleep Well Every Night by satchin panda
“If you eat late at night or start breakfast at a wildly different time each morning, you are constantly throwing your body out of sync. Don’t worry, the fix is equally simple: Just set an eating routine and stick to it. Timing is everything.” - Satchin Panda
Change your daily routine and transform your health. Circadian rhythms are biological processes or clocks that exist in each one of our cells. They are programmed to turn genes on or off at different times of the day or night, influencing every aspect of our health from weight control, to energy levels to resistance to disease and infection, to sleeping patterns. In The Circadian Code, this new science is revealed, demonstrating that the timings of our day (when we eat, sleep, exercise, work) have a direct impact on our quality of life.
Whether you are a shift worker, a frustrated dieter, someone suffering from sleeping disorders or chronic illness, The Circadian Code is the key to unlocking and improving your health, heartburn, and irritable bowel disease.
#6 A Course In Miracles - 3rd Edition Combined Volume By Helen Schucman
“If you attack error in another, you will hurt yourself.” - Helen Schucman
This book is a complete spiritual self-study guide divided into three-volumes consisting of a "Text", a "Workbook for Students", and a "Manual for Teachers". This publication teaches us that if we want to find universal love and peace, we need to share and give love to others. In fact, The Course focuses on the power of healing relationships by making them become holy.
The "Text" presents the theory of the Course and has built into its study the development of the experience of forgiveness that is the Course's goal for the student.
The "Workbook for Students" includes 365 lessons, one for each day of the year. It begins the process of changing the student's mind and perception, though it is not intended to bring one's learning to completion.
The "Manual for Teachers" is written in question-and-answer form and provides answers to some of the more likely questions that a student might ask.
#7 A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of a Course in Miracle By Marianne Williamson
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?”- Marianne Williamson
A Return to Love is based on the author's experiences as a teacher and lecturer on the self-study guide “A Course in Miracles”. Marianne Williamson explains how applying the principles of love to life difficulties can help you to heal your pain and sorrow.
In this practical guide, the author reveals how to bring universal spiritual principles into your everyday life by accepting God and expressing love. Whether your 'pain' is caused because of your relationships, career, health or emotions, this book shows you how love is the key to finding inner peace, and how practicing and feeling love can make your life more fulfilling, while creating a more peaceful and loving world for your children. With practical exercises to encourage you on your own spiritual journey, this inspiring guide will teach you how to live a more fulfilling and spiritual life.
#8 Light on Yoga: the Bible of Modern Yoga – its Philosophy and Practice BY B.K.S. IYENGAR
“Breath is the king of mind.” - B.K.S. Iyengar
Light on Yoga has become the bible for hundreds of thousands of people who practice Yoga daily with the Iyengar method, for exercise, meditation, or simple relaxation. With more than 600 photographs depicting all the postures and breathing exercises, this book remains the fullest, most practical, and most profusely illustrated guide by the world's foremost yoga teacher: B.K.S. Iyengar. Light on Yoga is a comprehensive and definitive sourcebook, as well as the best introduction for those who seek to find and discover the healthful benefits of Yoga for our mind, body, and soul.
#9 The Medicinal Chef: How to Cook Healthily: Simple techniques and everyday recipes for a healthy, happy life
“Real food does not contain ingredients. Real food IS ingredients”- Medicinal Chef
“The purpose of this book is to help you make sense of what healthy dishes look like, how they are composed, and what cooking methods you can use to create a healthy dish and get the best out of your ingredients” Dale Pinnock, author of this fun and interesting cookbook states. In fact, nourishing ourselves correctly is the first step to feeling good both inside and we should therefore, never underestimate the power that good food has on our mood, well-being, sleeping routine, physical strength and mental health.
#10 How Not to Die: Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease BY MICHAEL GREGER
“The primary reason diseases tend to run in families may be that diets tend to run in families.”- Michael Greger
How Not To Die gives effective and scientifically-proven nutritional advice to prevent diseases such as: heart disease, breast cancer, prostate cancer, high blood pressure and diabetes - and reveals the astounding health benefits that simple dietary choices can provide.
Based on the latest scientific research, How Not To Die examines each of the most common diseases to reveal what, how and why different foods affect us, and how the increasing and decreasing consumption of certain foods can significantly reduce our risk of becoming sick and reverse the effects that severe illnesses have on our mind and body. This precious guide also shares a list of foods and recipes that are recommended to be integrated in our diets to ensure our optimum health.