How To Get Your Body Ready For a Real Gut Reset: Autumn Detox

We have created for you a free Gut Detox Meal Planner to boost your immune system this Fall Season and monitor your body’s health.

It is very important to maintain and build a strong gut as this organ is crucial for: digestion, hormonal imbalances, inflammation and pain, food sensitivity, energy levels, immunity, cognitive function, mood regulation, skin and hair health and sleeping patterns.

Additionally, more and more studies have proven that our gut is directly connected to our mind, playing a key role on our mental health as it directly influences our brain cognitive functions.

When committing to a Gut Reset Plan, consider taking small yet significant steps that are going to help your body to detox:

  • Avoid white grains (white bread, pasta, rice) and switch to whole grains instead: brown, black and red rice, oats, whole grain bread and pasta, quinoa, buckwheat.

  • Fuel up on vegetables: besides being rich in fibre, vegetables also contain prebiotics that support the growth of good bacteria in the gut. If however, vegetables tend to bloat you up, try to reduce your daily intake.

  • Eat probiotics e prebiotics foods such as: kefir, kimchi, almond and coconut yogurt, kimchi, miso, sauerkraut, tempeh, tofu, garlic, onion, asparagus, leek, Jerusalem artichokes, chicory root, bananas and oats to promote balance in the gut with healthy and reproductive bacteria. If taken regularly, both probiotics and prebiotics have shown to decrease levels of stress, anxiety and depression as they help to reduce the amount of tension and cortisol levels (stress hormone) going on in the body.

  • Stay hydrated all the time: our body just as our gut needs water to survive. Drinking 1.5/2 liters per day will aid your gut, relieve conditions such as: constipation, improve your skin and hair condition and boost your energy levels.

  • Try different relaxing and de stressful techniques such as: mindful eating while enjoying your meals, as eating very quickly can lead to developing digestive problems and bloating. Eating and chewing foods slowly not only will improve your digestive system and therefore, your gut, but will also help you to avoid painful conditions such as: reflux and heartburn after meals.
    Practicing mindfulness and meditation daily will help your body to maintain a healthy and strong gut, as stress can negatively impact your gut microbiome composition.