How to face post-COVID anxiety and go back to normal life, with a more balanced and eco-friendly mindset


Now that society is beginning to move back to how things were pre-covid, many, are trying to adjust to being able to go out and socialise after months of being inside. As we scroll through social media and see people enjoying restaurants, bars and events, it can be challenging for some of us to revert right back to normal.

Although, the pandemic has taught us a lot, allowed many of us to slow down and revaluate what is important in our life, keeping that same energy as we venture out is key. Here are a few activities that we use to help us control and manage anxiety, while stepping back to what we refer to as lately, “normal” life.

Write it down

Take the time to write down a solid plan for yourself or list of thoughts; the visual reassurance of knowing what needs to be done is a good base for motivation. Also, journaling is a great way to write down your thoughts and feelings, whether you're having a good day or a not-so-good-day, writing is a good way to express yourself without any fear or judgement.

The outdoors

Research has shown that nature and the outdoors benefits our mental health. Using the outdoors to strengthen your physical and mental state is one of the most cost-effective and rewarding ways to gain back that confidence of being outdoors and allowing yourself to be comfortable with the newly found freedom, whether it's a simple 10 minute walk or jog or sitting down in the park, not only is good for your health, but it's beneficial for the environment. Many of us would have tried to do this throughout lockdown and it is something worth continuing.

Invest in yourself but protect the planet

This ties in with being eco-friendly, investing in sustainable alternatives such as sportswear can help you feel and look great. We are learning everyday about the damage being done to the planet, so by using our power as consumers for good, we can help preserve our world in the best way we can. This does not mean we cannot treat ourself to a new tee but to be more mindful when we do so. If you are not wanting to purchase new sustainable clothes, upcycling or finding pre-loved, quality sportswear is a fab way to look awesome and protect the plant too.

Take a minute to breathe

There's no rush to get out, it can be overwhelming going back into mainstream society- from packed gyms to busy running trails, claustrophobia may be heightened, and it's important to remember to train yourself to adapt back into this environment. Social Fatigue is a thing. Taking a moment to breathe can help with this, simple breathing exercises – 5-10 seconds in, hold and 5-10 seconds breathing out (three times), when you're feeling stressed can help.

Prioritise yourself


As we still learn to adapt to mixed work schedules, bouncing from virtual meetings to the office, use this to your advantage to become more organised. Reorganise your schedule to fit in with your routines, and the benefits will bleed through in the long run. Give yourself mindful time and frequent breaks is a fantastic way to ensure that you give yourself crucial me time.

By Holly Corscadden, Partnerships Manager at Lockr Space