5 Life-Changing Breathing Exercises
“When the breath wanders (i.e. is irregular) the mind also is unsteady. But when the breath is calmed, the mind too will be still, and the yogi achieves long life. Therefore, one should learn to control the breath” - Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Complete Breath
Source: yogawithadriene.com
Teaches and helps you to fully understand how to breath properly
Improves your overall quality of life
You can stay seated or you can lay down
Pull your abdomen in and squeeze out the air coming from the bottom of your lungs
Inhale deeply, filling the bottom of your lungs, the middle lungs (ribcage expands) and the upper lungs (beneath your collar bone)
Exhale slowly starting from the top of the lungs then the middle and then the bottom. Pull in your abdomen to make sure that all of the air that you inhale, you slowing exhale out
Cleansing Breath
Source: takeadeepbreath.com
Lowers levels of carbon monoxide in the body
Empties your lungs completely by expelling stale air
It is very beneficial for people who suffer from asthma and bronchitis
You can stay seated or you can stand up
Stand up with your feet hip-width apart
Inhale whilst your bring your arms up sideways above your head
Fully exhale through the mouth repeating a “ha” sound whilst bending forward towards your waist
Let your arms swing through your legs and simultaneously bend your knees whilst pulling in the abdomen to let go all of the air stuck in the bottom of your lungs
Exhale another time and make sure you let go of everything and breathe out all of the air that you feel in your lungs
Inhale as you straighten your knees
Alternate Nostril Breathing
Source: yogawithadriene.com
Calms the mind and body
Improves and promotes better sleep
Lowers anxiety levels
Find a comfortable place and sit with your spine straight
Take your right hand and fold your palm, middle finger and index
The thumb, the fourth and little finger stay up straight
Close your right nostril with the thumb and fully inhale through the left nostril
Close your left nostril and with the little and middle finger and exhale through the right nostril. Pause for a minute and then take one big breath in and inhale through the same nostril.
Close the right nostril and exhale through the left.
Bee Breath
Source: lizarch.com
Improves sleeping disorders and helps with insonnia
Relaxes the body
Calms and quietens the mind
Close your eyes and let your lips and mouth relax
Inhale through your nostrils
As you exhale slowing, make a sound like a bee
Inhale again deeply
Exhale making the humming bee sound
Bellow Breath
Source: rebekahharbour.com
Helps to clear the mind and increase concentration
Improves circulation
Helps people who suffer from sinuses
Inhale deeply
Exhale using your abdominal muscles and push out all of the air through your nostrils
Really breathe out the air from your nostrils as if you are trying to push out something that is stuck inside your nose
Relax your abdomen
Repeat the strong exhalation from your nose followed by a deep inhalation